Family offices retain sophisticated and complex portfolios compared to other general wealth management groups. Manual processing leads to an increased risk of errors and making important decisions based on inaccurate information. This is why many family offices are leveraging the capabilities technology offers by investing in accounting software. Certain software programs aren’t developed to handle…
Everything to Know About a Single Family Office
The number of single family offices continues to climb as the years go on. What once was an estimated 3,000 – 5,000 in 2011 has now grown to over 7,000 active offices throughout the United States. The popularity of single family offices isn’t a coincidence. In fact, family offices provide an abundance of benefits with…
Reducing Cybersecurity Risks in Family Offices
Cybercrime is one of the most prevalent threats to family offices, with studies showing 26% of family offices have already faced a cyberattack. Does this surprise you? Many family offices focus on hedging against financial risks and neglect to implement the right cybersecurity safeguards to minimize data breaches. Understanding why your family office is a…
Accounting Software Implementation Traps and How to Avoid Them
An Update on the Industry’s Efficiency in Accounting and Investment Analysis
2022 Year in Review: A Word From Alex Ivanov
2022 has not been kind to the financial markets. Particularly hard hit has been crypto and tech. It may be a surprise to hear then that from our industry perspective, technological innovation experienced a booming bull market and we have been able to leverage this trend by making FundCount better than ever. Economic pressures encourage…
A Preview of 2023 Trends: The Relentless Rise of Tech
Looking back, it’s easy to conclude that 2022 has been a volatile and challenging year in world markets. But beneath that volatility, a transformation is taking place in the investment and accounting worlds. That’s the continued steady advancement and implementation of many significant new technologies. You may have seen these innovations firsthand. If not, prepare…
MI in Accounting: Forecast Future Trends
Is your business struggling to make the right business decisions? How about missing the resources to evaluate different situations? MI in accounting might be the solution your business needs. Management information is a key component of developing and implementing successful strategies and business decisions. Evaluating the components of MI in accounting, the benefits of implementation,…
The Cost of Upgrading Your Family Office To The 21st Century
2022 was a tough year for family offices. Portfolio values are down, interest rates have been rising and the main focus of many has been on controlling and even reducing operating costs and debt. Against this background, putting off the purchase of a new portfolio and partnership accounting and reporting system might seem a wise…