Asset Management

Unify accounting and reporting for all assets and ownership structures in one solution. Automate data management and workflows


Complex entity structures

Handle complex family entity structures; cope with any legal entities through master-feeder and nested entity structures; and ensure accurate and efficient management of diverse investment entities.

Streamlined data integration

Automate data feeds from any source to ensure seamless integration and timely access to critical information for informed decision-making, streamlining your data management process.

Unified system

Deal with any class of assets, whether personal, alternative, or market in nature, all in one asset management software. Provide a comprehensive and unified view of the entire wealth portfolio.

Customizable workflows

Automate away complex back office business processes with a built-in asset management system workflow manager. Streamline your operations and increase efficiency by automating repetitive tasks.

Real-time flexibility

Use enterprise asset management software to access fully flexible reporting anytime without closing the books, empower yourself with real-time insights, and enhance your decision-making capabilities.

New revenue streams

Develop new revenue streams with respect to scheduled and ad hoc portfolio reporting, and leverage data-driven insights to attract and retain clients with this software asset management tool. Utilize advanced analytics to gain a competitive edge and drive growth.

How it works

This diagram offers a comprehensive view of how FundCount simplifies complex data and operating environments.

On the left, you’ll find external inputs, while the right showcases key outputs. The center highlights where FundCount’s magic occurs. The grey streams between them illustrate the complex interrelationships from input to output data. FundCount is designed to handle this complexity, transforming diverse data sources into meaningful outputs.

FundCount unified platform removes the need for reconciliation and integration work efforts between modules and associated limitations in speed, accuracy and data insights. Deliver more accurate reports to your clients faster at a fraction of a cost!

See also FundCount Solutions

Portfolio Accounting

Partnership Accounting




Data Aggregation


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