Looking back on 2020, we thought it would be interesting to share the most-read blogs from our website. If you missed any of them the first time around, here are the top three blogs of the year counting down in reverse order to number one.

#3 – Selecting Software: Lead with Effective Solutions, Not Visualizations
Why do family offices, hedge funds, and other asset management firms spend thousands of dollars on back-office accounting and reporting software?
The answer is simple: to solve day-to-day problems and achieve business goals. Selecting a software provider, however, is not as easy. Find out how to avoid the common pitfalls.

#2 – The 5 Pillars of Good Governance for Family Offices
As Ayn Rand said, “Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.”
Good governance, however, puts you in the driver’s seat. It provides a framework to guide decision-making and safeguard the family’s wealth for generations to come.
Discover the five pillars that will help get you started on the right foot

#1 – What the Volcker Rule Changes Mean for Family Offices
Several much-anticipated revisions that exclude family wealth management vehicles and other funds from the covered fund provisions are a big win for banks. Asset managers stand to benefit as well.
But what about family offices?
We hope you enjoy revisiting the hottest topics of 2020. Let’s see what 2021 has in store.