We have recently launched our latest Family Office Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) survey. This survey is unique because it enables both family offices and the families they serve to measure the quality of their back-office operations against their industry peers. 

The Family Office KPI provides an objective measure revealing where your office stands compared to peers in the industry. Below, we will take a look at some ways you can use this report to achieve improved performance in terms of better efficiency, accuracy and cost savings. 

The survey takes only 15 minutes to complete, and you can accurately evaluate the efficiency of your client reporting, financial control, and operational excellence. The survey itself contains 10 pages with questions that offer a range to choose from. 

Each question focuses on an excellence category: reporting efficiency and speed, costs, report accuracy, and governance. It can be answered with a value from 1 (the lowest) to 5 (the highest). You can take your time to think about the answer you want to give, and if you wish to, you can also revisit previous questions which you have left unanswered or about which you have changed your mind.

At the end of the survey, you will receive a tailored report which will enable you to understand whether your family office is following the latest industry standards and whether you are ahead of your competitors by taking control of your costs, governance practices, and, ultimately, your money.

In this short article, we will go step by step through the report to help you get the most out of it.

How to use the Family Office KPI Report

The report contains an overall score of your reporting excellence and financial control, as well as two sections that detail these two fundamental aspects of back-office operations.

On the first page of the Reporting Excellence KPI Score Analysis, you can see where your family office is situated against its peers regarding reporting efficiency and speed, report accuracy, business insight, data presentation, and report agility. 

This information is presented to you in three ways: as a barometer which tells you where your family office scored relative to the industry’s average, as a bar chart that shows the percentile of your score, and as a radar chart which presents all the five elements enumerated above against the broader industry. If you want to understand what contributed to your overall Reporting Excellence KPI Score, the next two pages in the report will present you with the answers to each of the questions that come under this section.

The same analytical approach has been applied to the Financial Control KPI Score Analysis section, which shows the data in the same manner. However, the five elements measured here are different. They include controls, costs, governance, people, and processes. This section has three, rather than two, pages with your answers to each question that contributed to the overall score in this area, enabling you to really understand why your family office has scored in a certain way relative to its peers. 

Toward the end of the report, there is a page called Understanding Your Scores. This explains how to read your scores in both sections discussed above. The maximum score for each of the two parts – Reporting Excellence and Financial Control – is 100, while the minimum is 0. An overall score of over 80 in either of these two sections indicates a high level of excellence. Conversely, an overall score below 19 usually means that it is time to reassess how efficient your family office’s back-office operations are. 

Also, the five categories underneath each of the two main sections receive a score between 0 (the lowest) and 20 (the highest). The breakdown of the score is detailed on the first pages of each section, namely Reporting Excellence KPI Score Analysis and Financial Control KPI Score Analysis. 

In the next six or twelve months, when you are reviewing part of your business operations, you can use this report as a benchmark for what needs improving and what doesn’t. Each individual answer can aid you in this regard and save you time and money. 

The Family Office KPI provides an objective measure revealing where your office stands compared to peers in the industry.


Therefore, this report gives the participant a clear view of where their family office is positioned relative to its peers in terms of back-office performance. Ultimately, it is a tool that empowers you to take control of your money. As such, we encourage as many family offices as possible and family members which they service to complete this survey.