Boosted growth by implementing back-office software

Established in 2011, MBG Capital, a boutique investment advisory firm, initially relied on an external fund administrator for accounting and reporting. As they evolved, the need for meticulous accounting grew, prompting them to seek a more robust solution. Their journey led them back to FundCount, a software they had considered earlier, which now promised even greater capabilities.


Roadmap to objectives

Recognize the need

Understand the limitations of the current system and the necessity for a more integrated solution.

Research & reconnect

Re-engage with potential solutions, like FundCount, and assess their updated offerings.

Evaluate & decide

After demonstrations, choose the software that best aligns with the firm’s needs.

Implement & integrate

Seamlessly transition from spreadsheets to the new software, ensuring all processes are laid out correctly from the start.

Key results

Smooth implementation with no need to integrate legacy applications.
Efficient end-of-day processes, quick valuation of mutual funds, and easy publication of net asset values (NAVs).
Enhanced reporting capabilities, allowing customized reports for sales agents by clients and portfolios.
Successful management of fee sharing with the firm’s sales force using FundCount’s fee calculation functionality.

"FundCount is incredibly flexible, so we’re confident that it can be adapted to any environment or market going forward. Plus, the company has proven to be very responsive from both an ongoing development and support perspective. FundCount is a good partner to have in a growing business."

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