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The once-fringe world of cryptocurrency is rapidly gaining mainstream acceptance. Family offices, investment funds, and even pension plans are increasingly allocating a portion of their portfolios to digital assets. A recent EY survey found that 60% of institutional investors already have crypto exposure, with a third dedicating 1% to 5% of their holdings to this new asset class. This trend is driven by factors like potential for high returns and portfolio diversification. However, as these traditionally conservative institutions wade into crypto waters, a crucial question emerges: how will these investments be taxed? As cryptocurrencies gain popularity, it is critical for investors and traders to understand the tax implications of purchasing, selling, and trading these digital assets. 

Key Takeaway:

  • Taxes on crypto are similar to stocks, with potential capital gains/losses on transactions.
  • Unlike individual deductions, institutions need broader tax optimization strategies like portfolio netting to minimize tax burdens.
  • Proposed legislation and IRS pronouncements require close monitoring to navigate future tax implications of crypto activities.

Virtual Money and Taxation 

A Challenge for Institutional Investors

The allure of cryptocurrency’s potential for high returns and portfolio diversification has reached the doorsteps of institutional investors. Family offices, hedge funds, and even pension plans are increasingly dipping their toes into the crypto pool. However, unlike traditional assets, the tax implications of cryptocurrency remain a complex and evolving landscape, posing a unique challenge for these large-scale investors.

The Current Framework (with an Institutional Lens):

Property Classification: The IRS currently classifies crypto as property for tax purposes. For institutions, this translates to potential capital gains or losses on transactions, similar to stocks or bonds. However, the hodling (long-term holding) strategies often employed by institutional investors can significantly impact their tax burden due to the potential for lower long-term capital gains rates.

Tax Efficiency Strategies: Large institutions often employ sophisticated tax strategies to optimize their overall tax bill. While the $3,000 capital loss deduction for individuals is less impactful for institutions with larger transactions, strategies like netting capital gains and losses across their entire portfolio can be crucial.

The Looming Cloud of Uncertainty:

While the current framework offers a baseline, the future of crypto taxation is far from settled.

Several bills are currently being debated in Congress that could significantly impact institutional cryptocurrency investment. The “Digital Asset Regulatory Clarity Act of 2022” (DARCL) for example, proposes a framework for taxing crypto transactions, including provisions for mining and staking activities. Understanding these proposed changes is critical for institutional tax planning.

The IRS is actively monitoring the crypto space and issuing guidance on specific areas, such as the tax treatment of hard forks. Staying informed about these pronouncements can help institutions avoid unexpected tax liabilities.

Specific Tax Treatment

1. Cryptocurrency sales (capital gains tax)  

The government taxes the value gain or loss when you sell cryptocurrency. They classify this type of transaction as capital gains, and it’s usually simple, especially if you don’t regularly purchase and sell cryptocurrency. It’s vital to understand that they tax the realized change in value of the cryptocurrency. Selling your cryptocurrency will result in the taxation of any profits you make.

2. Buying one cryptocurrency and selling another (capital gains)  

A cryptocurrency exchange is when you trade one cryptocurrency for another without trading your coin for cash. Many people wrongly overlook this type of transaction when it comes to taxes because they didn’t realize any cash. Recording the act of converting Bitcoin to Litecoin or Ethereum to Bitcoin on Schedule D is necessary as it is a taxable event.

3. Using cryptocurrency to purchase goods or services (capital gains)  

Using cryptocurrency to purchase goods or services has the same tax consequences as selling it. At the time of the transaction, the price you paid for the bitcoin determines the taxable gain or loss. Even tiny amounts of cryptocurrency spent, such as buying a coffee at Starbucks, may result in a taxable gain. 

4. When you generate cryptocurrency as a source of income  

When you earn cryptocurrencies, you must consider the value of the coins at the time of receipt as taxable income. You should report cryptocurrency income on tax returns if you earned it through activities such as cryptocurrency mining, earning staking revenue from crypto, receiving yields on cryptocurrency accounts, and obtaining cryptocurrency as regular compensation or bonuses. You need to report this income on your tax return.

5. When you obtain free coins (income)

There are times when you can get free cryptocurrency, such as through airdrops and hard forks. When you receive a free distribution of cryptocurrencies, known as an airdrop, you must consider the value of the digital currency received as income. Likewise, the value of the cryptocurrency you obtain as a result of a hard fork is taxable income. When a cryptocurrency splits into two sorts of tokens or coins, you will have your original coin as well as a new coin with a different value. 

Several bills are currently being debated in Congress that could significantly impact institutional cryptocurrency investment

Final Thoughts 

The cryptocurrency market’s dynamism presents both exciting opportunities and significant challenges for institutional investors. While the current tax framework offers a foundation, the ongoing legislative discussions and evolving IRS pronouncements necessitate a proactive approach. By staying informed about these developments and collaborating with specialized tax professionals, institutional investors can navigate the complexities of crypto taxation, optimize their strategies, and ensure they are positioned to capitalize on the full potential of this emerging asset class.


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