FundCount has always given its clients a range of deployment options due to its ‘single-client server’ approach.  Alongside our on-premise, client private hosted cloud and public cloud options we have now added a ‘Software-as-a-Service‘ (“SaaS”) option.  This sits on the Amazon Cloud infrastructure, located in Canada.

Our new SaaS options mean that our clients can avoid the hassle of managing and refreshing the infrastructure on which the FundCount Software sits and of ensuring the security of that IT infrastructure, whilst enjoying additional operational time and cost savings from:

  • Test drives – There is no need to waste money implementing a new system before making sure it benefits you;
  • Security – AWS compliant;
  • Resilience – Removes the need for knowledge, available IT resources to run the infrastructure on which FundCount sits;
  • Accessibility – The cloud version is accessible from anywhere, and removes the need for an expensive IT team;
  • Savings – No need for upgrade costs for either hardware and software;
  • Scalability – Clients need only pay for the amount of storage they require.

Contact us to see FundCount SaaS solution in action.

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