FundCount’s client conference in Cancun was a success! The May 16-18 event brought together FundCount partners, offering a unique opportunity for folks from different industries to intermingle ideas, compare outlooks, and discuss challenges.

Conference Agenda

The conference provided a platform for attendees to delve into key industry trends and explore product innovations. Our sessions covered a range of topics designed to enhance operational efficiency and strategic decision-making. We showcased the evolution of our product with a sneak peek at the new interface and exciting new features, emphasizing the significance of our migration to PostgreSQL and its benefits for clients. Attendees received valuable insights from client feedback and recommendations, and we outlined our services to demonstrate how FundCount can support their needs. Additionally, we offered an exclusive preview of our upcoming Power BI enhancements, highlighting its advanced reporting capabilities. The keynote speaker shared firsthand experiences of how FundCount drives operational efficiency and offered future perspectives. Furthermore, we explored the future of data aggregation and investor portals with FinFly, showcasing the next steps in our innovation journey.

We also highlighted client success stories and facilitated interactive discussions to help further create a collaborative environment for idea exchange and problem-solving.

Fun in the Sun!

No trip to Cancun should be only about business! Attendees had the chance to park their laptops and get some sand and surf between their toes. They started off by enjoying a memorable and fun-filled day trip to a nearby island. Despite the weather preventing a planned boat trip, our guests spent some time exploring the island on golf carts and experiencing the unique chill of an ice bar. The bar certainly cooled them down with temperatures plunging to -18°C, or below zero in Fahrenheit. Brrr….

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all our clients who attended and contributed to making this event remarkable. Your participation and enthusiasm were invaluable, and we look forward to hosting more such events in the future.

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