FundCount client Theorem Fund Services has won the “Best Administrator – Technology” category at the Hedgeweek US Emerging Manager Awards 2023. This is a great achievement for Theorem Fund Services, and we are proud to partner with such an innovative and forward-thinking team! This hedge fund award means that Theorem Fund Services provides the best technology foundation to their clients. We’re happy to see our clients flourish, and this win is an excellent example of how FundCount helps add value to client business with our accounting and reporting solution for Fund Administration. 

Theorem Fund Services is the only one to be named a finalist in all three categories at the HedgeWeek Emerging Manager US Awards 2023. Theorem Fund Services invited FundCount CEO, Alex Ivanov, to join them at the award ceremony.

Theorem Fund Services, LLC announces it was named winner in the Best Administrator – Technology category in the annual Hedgeweek US Emerging Manager Awards after it achieved the distinction of being the sole fund administrator nominated in all 3 available fund administrator categories.

FundCount offers a fully integrated accounting, analysis and reporting software that helps fund administrators achieve operational efficiency by driving down costs and improving accuracy. It aggregates all partnership and portfolio accounting through a single general ledger, calculates NAV, incentive, management and other fees automatically, tracks complex holdings across all asset types, benefits from full shareholder registry/transfer agency capabilities, and creates on-demand, customized reports to meet specific needs. 


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