Enhanced efficiency, optimized workflow, and increased report flexibility

Founded in 2011, TFO Phoenix, an Arizona-based family office, managed over $2.4 billion in assets. While they initially relied on spreadsheets for partnership accounting, the growing complexity of their operations and partnerships prompted them to reconsider this approach. Their quest for a more efficient back-office accounting and reporting solution led them to FundCount.


Roadmap to objectives

Recognize the limitations

Understand the challenges and inefficiencies of using spreadsheets for complex partnership accounting.

Research & selection

Explore potential solutions and choose FundCount for its comprehensive capabilities.


Transition from spreadsheets to FundCount, leveraging its integrated system for partnership and portfolio accounting.

Discover extended capabilities

Realize the broader functionalities of FundCount, from tracking all entities to providing actionable intelligence through look-through features.

Key results

Achieved improved operational efficiency and streamlined workflow with a single consolidated database.
Gained the ability to drill down through complex structures and nested entities to view actual net worth.
Benefited from powerful reporting capabilities, including consolidated look-through cross-entity reports and by-partner reports.
Expanded the use of FundCount beyond just partnership accounting to include family balance sheets, income statements, and other detailed reports.

"Everything FundCount said they could do, they ended up doing. That’s refreshing from a vendor. They have been a good fit for us."

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