Cost Savings with a Focus on Growth and Efficiency

Fund administration and top tier financial professionals face challenges such as managing diverse asset classes across multiple platforms, high transition costs, operational risks, and the potential loss of key personnel in a competitive labor market. A fund administration solution is needed that can streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance the client experience across multi-asset classes.

Here we look at a solution that addresses these issues and lowers costs. For instance, it may be possible to achieve a 30 to 60% reduction in current software fees. Such a cost-effective approach opens up the potential for developing new revenue streams by targeting classes with very low transition costs.

Consolidating the management of multi-asset classes onto one platform solves several issues. For instance, lending and private credit for many firms is typically managed on Geneva, and private equity, usually managed on FIS Investran or Allvue. FundCount is the only vendor in this space that can actually handle multi-asset classes on one platform giving fund administrators the ability to provide their client’s investors with a single, consistent experience. This distinctive feature distinguishes FundCount from alternatives and offers you a competitive advantage over competitors using multiple platforms. This unique capability is a key differentiating factor in the competitive fund administration space.

The Challenges of Multi-Asset Class Fund Administration

Managing a diverse range of assets and clients can be a complex and challenging task for fund administrators. Existing solutions often fail to provide a comprehensive and consistent experience across multiple asset classes, leading to operational inefficiencies, increased costs, and a fragmented client experience.

For instance: 

Data Management and Integration Challenges: Multi-asset class management involves handling a wide range of asset types, each with its own unique data structures, terminology, and regulatory requirements. This heterogeneity of data can pose significant challenges in data management and integration. Existing solutions often struggle to effectively integrate data from various sources, leading to data silos and inconsistencies. This can hinder the ability of fund administrators to gain a holistic view of their portfolios and make informed investment decisions.

Regulatory Compliance Complexity: Each asset class is subject to its own set of regulatory requirements, which can vary in complexity and scope. Existing solutions may not be fully equipped to handle the nuances of these regulations, leading to potential compliance breaches and legal liabilities for fund administrators. This can increase the risk associated with multi-asset class management and deter fund administrators from expanding into new asset classes.

Operational Efficiency Bottlenecks: The diversity of asset classes and the complexities of their management can lead to operational inefficiencies. Existing solutions may not be able to automate tasks effectively across different asset classes, requiring manual intervention and duplication of effort. This can hinder the efficiency of fund administrators and increase the risk of errors.

Fragmented Client Experience: With a diverse range of asset classes and clients, fund administrators may struggle to provide a consistent and unified client experience. Existing solutions may lack the flexibility and customization to cater to the specific needs of different clients and asset classes. This can lead to customer dissatisfaction and hinder the ability of fund administrators to build strong client relationships. A unified platform which manages multiple asset classes solves for this by creating a consistent client experience.

Legacy Systems and Limited Functionality: Many fund administrators rely on legacy systems that were not designed to handle the complexities of multi-asset class management. These systems may lack the necessary functionality and integration capabilities to support the diverse needs of fund administrators. This can limit their ability to adapt to changing market conditions and expand their product offerings.

Inadequate Support and Training: Existing solutions may not provide adequate support and training to fund administrators, making it challenging for them to fully utilize the platform’s features and address any issues that arise. This can hinder the adoption of new features and prevent fund administrators from realizing the full potential of the solution.

The FundCount Tier 1 Fund Administration Solution

While we acknowledge that top-tier managers often rely on multiple platforms to manage their complex portfolio structures and diverse client bases, we have developed a solution that can offer significant value in specific areas of their business.

We developed the Tier 1 Fund Administration Solution in response to increasing demand for a comprehensive, unified platform capable of handling complex multi-asset classes.. 

It is a comprehensive, unified cloud-based platform designed to streamline and optimize multi-asset class fund administration. The platform’s intuitive interface, automates processes, and centralizes data management capabilities to empower fund administrators to manage a diverse range of asset classes and clients efficiently and effectively. 

Some of the benefits include:

    • Reduced costs: Reduces software fees by up to 60%, freeing up capital which can be reinvested in other areas of their businesses, such as client service or new product development.
    • New revenue streams: Opens up new revenue streams making it possible to service clients with more asset classes. 
    • No transition costs: FundCount is designed to be easy to implement and use, which means that fund administrators can transition to the system with minimal disruption to their existing operations. 
    • Multi-asset class support: Supports all major asset classes, including private equity, hedge funds, real estate, and infrastructure. This means that fund administrators can use the solution to manage all of their funds on a single platform, creating economies of scale.
    • Consistent client experience: A single, consistent client experience across all asset classes, enhances client satisfaction helping to retain existing clients and in attracting new clientele.
  • Competitive advantage

Implementation and Customer Success

FundCount offers a phased implementation approach that allows fund administrators to start with new clients and gradually transition existing clients. This approach minimizes disruption to existing operations and reduces risk.

In addition, FundCount provides a dedicated team of experts who can help fund administrators to implement the solution and maximize its benefits. This includes providing training, support, and ongoing services.

Reduces software fees by up to 60%, freeing up capital

Unlocking the Possibilities

FundCount offers top-tier fund administrators a strategic fund administration solution investment that gives cost savings, increased efficiencies, and paves the way for improved service offerings. As a unified cloud-based platform, it streamlines and optimizes multi-asset class fund administration. Clients have reported a 3 to 7 times increase in efficiency by adopting this approach and implementing FundCount. The centralization of data management, automated processes, and seamless integration across asset classes enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and expand reach. This solution provides economies of scale for processing clients and, most importantly, delivers a single, consistent client experience for those with multi-asset classes. 

Contact Us to learn more about the FundCount Tier 1 Fund Administration Solution

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