If your family office relies on a handful of trusted individuals compiling information manually or on multiple programs such as Excel to manage accounting and reporting, it’s probably time to up your game.

The complexity of today’s family office investments calls for more sophisticated, “institutional-quality” accounting systems to ensure wealth preservation. These systems enable the family office to efficiently capture, track and report on the family’s financial activities.

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Investors and Private Equity: Making the Relationship Last

Investors once head over heels in love with hedge funds just aren’t getting what they want from the relationship anymore. They’re moving on to private equity, a new love that is giving investors exactly what they crave: higher returns. In this era of low interest rates, those returns have provided the spark that was missing from investors’ relationships with other asset classes.

Private equity investors saw a 20 percent better return compared to their colleagues who stayed with conventional stocks. And, since private equity investments are illiquid and focused on the long-term, they are less volatile, thereby providing both a hedge against riskier investments and the diversification necessary for a well-balanced portfolio.

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On a Roll

What do Berdon Fund Services, Benefit Trust, Sterling Trust and Global Merces have in common? They are all new FundCount clients.

The last three months have been a flurry of activity. With four new fund administrators and two new family office clients (who wish to remain anonymous) around the world, FundCount has proven that its accounting and reporting software knows no bounds. It is as applicable to firms in Sydney, the Cayman Islands and Singapore as it is to those in Kansas.

Read the press releases below to learn how each firm will be using FundCount to support its specific fund administration operations.

  • Berdon Fund Services
  • Benefit Trust and Sterling Trust
  • Global Merces


Family Office Fintech Summit

The recent Fintech Summit in NY was a big success, attracting over 150 family office practitioners, consultants and vendors from around the region. FundCount was pleased to have been a panel sponsor and exhibitor at this well-attended event.

The summit kicked off with Right the First Time: Best Practices for Vendor Selection and Implementation, a lively panel discussion that included FundCount’s Mike Slemmer, Marcie Odum of the Lupton Company and consultants Chris Martinez and Hugh Bagatelle. Whether advising firms to determine up front what constitutes success or recommending due diligence on the vendor, each panel participant contributed worthy advice. Read more here.

Ready to embark on a new project? FundCount’s Checklist for Qualifying Vendors and Technology can help.

Carole Springer Joins FundCount

Carole SpringerAs FundCount’s new Director of Client Services & Product, keeping an open dialogue with clients is just one aspect of Carole’s new role. “We want clients to derive the maximum benefit from FundCount software,” said Carole. “Establishing a formal role for client services and product enables FundCount to be even more responsive to existing needs. It also ensures we develop solutions that address clients’ real-world challenges going forward.”

An expert in client account management and product planning, Carole has consulted to top-name technology vendors across various market segments. Her diverse experience and well-honed skills will come in handy as she spearheads FundCount’s client service efforts and collaborates on future product direction. And, Carol’s fervent customer focus and experience building a scalable client service infrastructure will further strengthen FundCount’s service organization. Read the recent press release for additional details.

When not working tirelessly to enhance client experience, Carole enjoys playing tennis and traveling to her favorite U.S. and European destinations with her two daughters.

Please join us in welcoming Carole to the FundCount family. She can be reached at: c.springer@fundcount.com.

Release 3.0 is Coming!

FundCount developers are hard at work putting the final touches on one of the company’s most comprehensive releases, version 3.0.

Due to be available in June, version 3.0 will include new many new features such as performance attribution and intercompany loan functionality. Users will also see significant enhancements to portfolio analysis, balance sheet and income statement and other reports as well as improvements to data import.

Stay tuned for more information.


You spoke, we listened!

If you are new to FundCount or just trying to learn more about us, you probably have some questions regarding functionality, reporting and technology.

For example, can we replicate our company’s complex spreadsheets in FundCount? Do we need to update accounts manually in the chart of accounts? Or, do we have to contact FundCount each time we need a new report?

Find the answers to these and other most-asked questions in the new FAQ

While the FAQs won’t answer all your questions, it will get you started. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Contact us at: sales@fundcount.com or call +1 617-651-3980 to speak to a sales representative.

Upcoming Events

July 18-19, 2017
Join FundCount at the FOX Financial Executives Forum in Chicago.
Learn More


Awards and Accolades

FundCount is honored to have been shortlisted for the following categories in the Wealth BriefingAsia Awards 2017:

  • Portfolio Management
  • Client Reporting
  • Client Accounting—Editor’s Award
  • Innovative Fintech Solution
  • Innovative Client Solution

About Fundcount

Founded in 1999, FundCount provides integrated accounting and investment analysis software that improves operational efficiency and delivers immediate, actionable intelligence to clients around the globe. Today, over 100 hedge funds, single and multi-family offices, fund administrators and private equity firms worldwide with assets totaling more than US $75 billion rely on FundCount for accurate, timely information and flexible reporting. FundCount supports its growing client base from the company’s U.S. headquarters and five additional international locations.

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